Gameplay Programmer and Team Leader of DuckDev
Hi! I’m the former leader of the DuckDev team. In our latest project, A Link Between Ages, I have done a dual role as the team leader, organizing and focusing the team to end the game development as right as posible; and working as a gameplay programmer.
Is in this last half where I can show the most part of my contribution to the game.
I have stablished the controls of the main caracter, making him live and walk.
The entire collision system has been a task of mine: it has made possible all the collision interaction between entities, and delimiting player movement on the map.
I have programmed every entity in the game, like NPC’s, chests, obstacles, usable items… and how them interact with the player
Enemy behaviour (including the final boss) has also been my duty with is different attribute, patterns and interaction between player (damage and death).
The game stores data in a xml file in a folder on AppData every time the map changes, and you can load it at any time to recover the last gam state (life, current map, items…)
Also, I have created the Quest Manager System that we used to track events inside the game. You can check its documentation page to see how it works. It includes a step by step tutorial if you want to apply it to your project.